Saturday, March 10, 2012

Relationship Reflection

Dealing with individuals whether it's personal or business, you have to understand that no one has the same characteristic and behavior may be different. At some point it may be terrifying because you're not sure as how you should take this individual and how they may react to what you have to say. In the education field some centers are filled with many women with different attitudes and behaviors and you can't expect for them to  have the same attitude everyday. It's hard but as an educator you focus on how you would approach them with the situation and also focus on your tone. Everyone can have a rough day at home or work.  Relationships/partnerships take alot of work such as building character, strengthing the qualities you all may have in common and also  how the two of you may relate to major issues and or solving situations with two heads. Honestly, you'll never know when you will need someone.   A few months ago, a former college classmate of mine and me began to bond again. We found out that we both had alot in common such as in a relationship sense and also partnership values in business. We have both discussed assisting each other in the business of our choice.  We keep our relationship in a positive manner by being upfront with each other.  If we disagree about an issue its okay. At least we know where we both stand.  Relationships are going to have there ups and downs it's just how you find alternatives  to make it better. I find it very comforting when a person is challenging, you can set the tone by agreeing and finding solutions to add to the ideas or advice that  is given.But it should be done in a set tone so no one is offended.  In the early childhood field, you have to deal with families the same way. Cultures are different as well as  their behavior.  As an educator , we have to understand that families can have a difficult day and they may enter the room with an attitude.  If you still keep your same pleasant tone then hopefully their attitude may change. It's all in how you set the tone.